Friday 7 May 2010

Melody Iberhysaj Evaluation

Melody Iberhysaj

Q1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge the forms and conventions of real media products?

Us against them is the name of our film,it is a supernatural thriller meaning there is conflict between the main characters, however we have also included parts which may represent a spy thriller. From our research we have found out that many films tend to have mixed genres for example dark knight (2008)

Before we started making our opening scene we looked at a various of opening scenes in order to get ideas and to see what is expected from an opening scene of a thriller film. Our first scene is a point of view shoot of the main character lying down looking like he is dead , we wanted our audience to know things are not right from the start hence the main character looking lifeless.

We also used flashbacks which is a transition to an earlier event or scene that interrupts the normal chronological development. This was used when the main character is in the woods. Films like "get rich or die" influenced us to use flash backs.

The camera work had to be thought out really well in order to be seen as a successful piece of media , from this we decided that in order to create a good piece of media we had to create a good piece of media we needed to have various shots. So we had a lot of close ups to exaggerate on feelings and emotions , we also had long shots , medium shots and point of view shots which is typical for thriller films.

For the music we had theme music which most films have, theme music can also help identify a film, We used non diegetic music which is sound that cannot be heard by the characters but is designed for the audience reaction only, which helps create tension for the audience. However we had to make sure the dialogue is heard even when the theme music is heard in order to make it look professional

The mis en scene we used is not different to what you would see in a thriller film. We had to make sure we used the similar mis en scene in order for the audience to understand for example we used hostage rooms and the woods , which is typical in thriller films.

Q2: How does you media product represent particular social groups ?

Our thriller opening scene represents social class very well, for example the member of the government is represented as some one who is powerful and not always telling the truth in order to hide things away.

We represented age in a stereotypical way as we have an old man as a villain and while doing our research we found out that most villains in thriller films are played by people who are older.
Gender is also stereotypically represented in our thriller opening scene as the old man is seen as more dominant then the female Doctor , this is shown by the dialogue used.

Q3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why ?

As the British film industry need to keep working hard boost up their levels of achievement , i would think this thriller film should either be shown on TV where the viewers can see it for free . Idon't think the cinemas are appropriate for the film as mot films shown at the cinemea are hollywood films which are more dream like films then reality.It could also be realeased on dvd , this is a good idea as people who are intrested in british films can pick it up and buy it at any time , even though they are not shown on the cinema they can still be very successful.

I think my film could be governement funded as it is a british film and involvles aspects that happen in peoples lives this could make people realise about the problems occuring on are day to day lives. Companys like channel 4 would be appropriate for my film as channel four and especially film four are known to for showing british films.

I think the selling point for this thriller film is to attract as many teenager's that watch supernatural thrillers. Most films are usually promoted by merchandising so i think for this media producing t-shirts , pens and other accesories would be suitable to boost up the number of viewers .

Q4 : Who would be the audience for your media product?

My opening scene is targeted at 15-20 year olds as from the research we carried out we found out that this age group would be more intrested, we have not targeted a specific gender as we wanted as many people who watch , so both genders are our target audience eventhough on our research we found out that males are more likely to watch a thriller film then females , where as females tend to watch more romance films.When doing my target audience research i have , i have found out that most of the people prefered to include what they would see in a typical film , for example a hero and villian.

We are hoping to achieve the "15" rating as we do have some inaprooriate things we included for children aged lower than 15, for example we have abit of swearing that we included and their for it should be rated a 15. We also saw from our research most thriller films are either rated 15 or 18 and not many films are targeted lower than this.

Q5: what have you learnt about teachnologies from the process of constructing the product?

We was very lucky to have the equipment that we used for example a good qulatiy camera whcih was Cannon Xm2 helped us a alot as it let us have a good quality recording our thriller film. We used our camera very well as we got a number of various shots in order to make the the opening scene looking professionally.We used the tripod for shots like shot revearse shots, close ups, medium shots , long shots in order to avoid the shots being poor quality.

My group used the hand technique for shots which was hard to use a tripod for example the close up of when the doctor is checking the males eye which is laying on the bed and when we shot this we has to hold the camera in order to get a close shot of his eye. The advantage of hand technique is that you can get very close with the different shots and angles. The disadvantage of this is that you might have to take the same shot a number of times because it hand held you might not get a stable shot because of the hand moving.

We had some problems with the camera as when we did our outdoor shooting we had poor weather conditions , we had to try and sure sure our equipment does not get wet. But overall it was intrested to see what people who make films for a living have to go through to create a good quality film.

For editing we used the programme final cut pro which made it easier for us to edit. There was some problems that my group editor had and that was cutting and pasting the different types of shots and putting the shots together.While the editor of our group was doing the editing he came across the programme called live type,this helped him with special effects but he still used both programmes as it helped him come up with a better outcome.

we used appropriate music to create tension and heart beating music which most thriller films tend to do in order to make the scence more dramactic .

Q6: Looking back to your preliminary task , what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

The premliminary exercise gave my group a wake up call on what to expect on the real task . As we did not need to edit the premliminary it was not that diffulcult. But for the real task we had more planning time and this is why the project schedule and the research documents help us with because this way we knew what we was doing , when we was doing it and why are we doing it. Planning is really important as if there is no planning the process will not look like it professionally done.

My group was very disorganised at the start of the project and we had a lot of problems with some on the group members in our group as one of our members left college weeks before this coursework was due. This meant that we had more responsibilty as individuals. Eventhough we was told by our lectures that if we was not organised and not doing the work on time their would be a risk that you can fail the courseword deadline.

After several weeks the deadlines where coming closer and closer and my group was lacking a researh document and the the recording was not even done. Me and one of my group members Ossie decided that enough was enough and we needed to take responsibilty in order to finish it and have it ready for the deadline.

After a week we planned out everything did our recording and all that was left was the folder work and the editing , i decided to take the folder home and complete the work from there , while ossie decided to stay many hours editing the opening scene. I realised that without being organised nothing will be done. We ended having everything done ready to hand it and eventhough it took a long time i am happy with the end result.

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